1st Olfactory:-

Origin - olfactory epithelium
Function - sense to smell

2nd Optic:-

Origin - retina
Function - sense to sight

3rd Oculomotor:-

Origin - midbrain
Function - sense of muscle of eye

4th Trochlear:-

Origin - midbrain
Function - serve superior oblique eye muscle

5th Trigeminal:-

Origin - pons
Function - sensory from face and mouth
                   Motor to muscle of mastication

6th Abducens:-

Origin - pons
Function - serve the lateral rectus eye muscle

7th Facial:-

Origin - Pons
Function - Muscles of facial expression, taste buds,  sensation in fingers and toes, blinking

8th vestibulocochlear:-

Origin - cochlea and semi circular canal
Function - Hearing and balance

9th Glossopharyngeal:-

Origin - Medulla oblongata
Function -Sensation, taste and swallowing

10th Vagus:-

Origin - Medulla oblongata
Function - Organs in chest and abdomen

11th Accessory:-

Origin - Medulla oblongata
Function - Supplies two neck muscles, the sternomastoid and trapezius

12th Hypoglossal:-

Origin - Medulla oblongata
Function - Muscles of the tongue and neck